
"Best thing about the course is its relevance for accountants - finally mastered SUMIF's!"
"Brilliant course! Just can't wait to get back to the office and try out some of my new skills on files I have to work on all the time..."

"Really appreciated the thorough approach of the lecturer... you can tell he really cares about delivering quality"

"No two ways about it, I would not have been employed in my current role if I hadn't been on this course... at the job interview I was able to talk in detail about the downsides of a VLOOKUP versus a SUMIF, and the interview panel were very impressed"

"Perhaps the most valuable part of the day for me was that I now think in a completely different way about work before launching myself into yet another spreadsheet... yes, you've definitely made me re-think many of my work-processes..."

"Excellent... I've been on a couple of other Excel courses but this was so much more interesting and relevant to what I do every day at work..."

"You can Google all day long but you simply won't find another course like it... really liked the way everything was centred-around practical accounting and analysis examples and I think that's really helped me recall and apply the skills I learnt on the day..."

"I've realised today how much time I waste on some of my files at work... wish I'd have come on this course years ago"

"What a valuable use of my time and money... the practical hands-on examples you get to work on during the day are perfect for drilling-home learning points..."

"What a great course... particularly liked the blend of other topics - not just 'techie' Excel - sometimes just as much, if not more value, in making sure you get other associated areas right like planning & IT issues"

"I simply had no idea how valuable Excel could be for my business and some of the processes I've learnt here today I will be making sure we implement as soon as possible..."

"Very intensive day but wow did I learn a lot!"